賺錢的寶石精華 Make That Money Gem Essence Elixir


已售出: 4


15毫升 包含:黃金,黃水晶,綠色方解石和金牛座月亮的精華,放在泉水中,香草,薄荷和蜂蜜注入白蘭地 這種寶石精華的靈丹妙藥具有金錢的神聖和神聖起源。 讓這種藥水產生獨特的活力,將現金轉移到您的生活中。 使用方法:大聲說出您的意圖。 當您準備以更大的方式提出更多要求時,在舌頭下方,一杯水,心臟中心或您的壇子上放4滴。 15ml Contains: essences of gold, citrine, green calcite, and the Taurus moon held in spring water and vanilla, mint, and honey infused brandy Bottled and blessed with manifestation magic in San Francisco, California This gem essence elixir harnesses the sacred and divine origins of money. Allow the unique energetic vibration of this potion to call cash money into your life and tell money that you say YES. To use: Speak your intentions out loud. Place 4 drops under tongue, in a glass of water, on heart center, or on your altar when you’re ready to ask for more in a bigger way.
