金屬情侶愛情魔法茶燭蠟燭台 Metal Couple Love Magic Tea Candle Holder

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金屬情侶愛情魔法茶燭蠟燭台 電鍍金屬 適合施展愛情魔法,把願望紙放在燭台下,再放上兩枚茶蠟,每支茶蠟代表著男方和女方的愛意 A款:婚姻魔法或想另一半聽話的魔法 B款:增愛意熱情 Plated metal It is suitable for performing love magic, put the wish paper under the candlestick, and then put two tealights, each tealight represents the love between the man and the woman Type A: Marriage magic or magic to make the other half obedient Type B: increase love and passion

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