金錢魔術茶 Money Magic Tea


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金錢魔術茶茶中的草藥可以激活,激發和滋養您的金錢表現。水是這些能量通向人體每個細胞的渠道。填滿您的杯子,並設想您的生活充裕。飲並邀請現金和繁榮進入您生活的各個領域。 3盎司可分12份 包含:一個綠色方解石晶體和薄荷*,芙蓉*,蕁麻葉*,枸杞子,肉桂片*,苜蓿*和綠色方解石晶體的茶混合物。 *表示有機成分 肉桂是一個很棒的植物朋友,可以激發並激活繁榮和金錢增長。薄荷代表著往前走的所有那些綠葉綠皮的美元鈔票。蕁麻和枸杞子為您的旅途增添營養,豐富您的旅程。 將茶浸泡在沸騰的熱水中,或沖泡在玻璃水樽內,把大量的現金 (面額愈大愈好)放到玻璃水樽下,加強其效果 A DRINK THAT IS ALSO A SPELL The herbs in Money Magic tea activate, energize, and nourish your money manifestations. Water is a conduit of these energies to every cell of your being. Fill your cup and envision your life full with abundance. Sip and invite cash and prosperity to flow into all areas of your life. Blended and Blessed with Manifestation Magic in San Francisco, California 3 oz 12 servings Contains: one green calcite crystal and a tea blend of mint*, hibiscus*, nettle leaf*, goji berry, cinnamon chips*, alfalfa*, & a green calcite crystal. *indicates organic ingredient Cinnamon is a wonderful plant friend that stimulates and activates prosperity and money drawing. Mint represents all those leafy green dollar bills headed your way. Nettles and goji berry nourish and enrich you for the journey. Alfalfa is an anti-scarcity ally. Steep your tea in boiling hot water overnight in a clear glass jar placed on top of the largest cash denomination you have. Sweeten with honey and drink chilled while you imagine your capacity for making money with integrity being fortified from the inside.
