阿拉卡·埃格巴魔法香水 Arabka Elegba Magickal Perfume


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暢通、創意靈感、神聖香薰 這種迷霧的基礎是我多年前為個人使用而創建的第一個——我非常需要一些東西來幫助我克服缺乏動力、創意障礙和一般的墨守成規。直到最近,我開始在我的店裡收到類似薄霧的請求,我決定用更多的魔法沖劑對其進行一些調整,然後將其提供給您! 以阿拉卡·蘇達加(Arabka Soudagar) 的古老巫毒公式為基礎- 一種強大的混合物,可用於疏通、消除障礙和運氣,尤其是在愛情和商業方面- 加上對疏通、打開大門和十字路口的巫毒之王Papa Legba 的一點敬意! Papa Legba(又名 Eshu Elegbara、Elegua、Legba 和 Atibon Legba)是西非我們世界與精神領域之間大門的守護者。他掌管著所有的道路、路徑、門檻和門口——無論是字面上的還是隱喻的。和赫卡忒一樣,他也出現在十字路口(還帶著一隻狗!),如果你禮貌地請求並給他留下一點禮物,他就可以為你打開門並清除障礙。 祂是真理的熱愛者和正義的力量,但祂的意義遠不止於此!據說他能讓跛子行走,並賜予他的信徒靈巧的手藝——因此深受音樂家、賭徒和工匠的喜愛。祈求祂為你的生活指明方向,從你道路上的障礙、創造力和精神障礙中解脫出來,以及任何時候你覺得你的生活陷入困境時。只需在十字路口交叉骨頭,也許可以提供糖果、香煙、辛辣食物或他最喜歡的朗姆酒!帶上你的樂器、工藝工具、骰子,無論你從事什麼工藝,都可以使用它,並祈求祝福。感謝他並繼續前進! 每當您需要一點Elegba 的疏通或激勵力量時,請向自己噴灑或用這款薄霧輕輕噴灑您的工作空間或營業場所- 茴香、月桂樹、肉桂、乳香、沒藥、玫瑰、香根草、安息香的辛辣混合物、龍血、零陵香豆,當然還有五香蘭姆酒!每瓶都含有一顆石榴石晶體,可以賦予力量、再生、強化和釋放舊的、過時的想法和行為模式。感受到力量! The base for this mist is the first I created many years ago for personal use - I badly needed something to help me overcome my lack of motivation, creative blocks, and general stuck-in-a-rut-edness. It wasn't until recently that I started having requests for a similar mist in my shop that I decided to tweak it a bit with a little more magickal punch and offer it to you! Based on the old timey Hoodoo formula for Arabka Soudagar - a powerful blend for unblocking, removing obstacles, and luck particularly in love and business - plus a little homage to the Voodoo king of unblocking, opening doors, and the crossroads Papa Legba! Papa Legba (aka Eshu Elegbara, Elegua, Legba, and Atibon Legba) is the West African guardian of the gates between our world and the spirit realm. He governs all roads, paths, thresholds, and doorways - literal and metaphorical. Like Hekate, he is found in the crossroads (also with a dog!) and is available to unlock doors and remove obstacles for you - if you ask politely and leave him a little offering. He is a lover of truth and a force for justice but he is so much more! He is said to allow the lame to walk and blesses his devotees with the gift of manual dexterity - so thus much beloved by musicians, gamblers, and craftspeople. Invoke him for direction in your life, release from obstacles in your path, or creative and mental blocks, as well as anytime you feel your life has gotten stuck in a rut. Simply cross bones at a crossroads and perhaps an offering of candy, cigarettes, hot & spicy food or his favorite - rum! Bring along your musical instrument, craft tools, dice, whatever it is you use in whatever craft you are involved in and ask for a blessings. Thank him and be on your way! Whenever you need a bit of Elegba's unblocking or motivating power, spritz yourself or lightly mist your work space or place of business with this mist - a hot & spicy mix of anise, bay laurel, cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, rose, vetiver, benzoin, dragon's blood, tonka bean and of course, spiced rum! Each bottle contains a garnet crystal for empowering, regeneration, strengthening, and release of old, outworn ideas and patterns of behavior. Feel the power!
