限量脈輪走珠式香水套裝 LIMITED Chakra Collection Roll -On Perfume


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頂脈輪:用於聆聽球體的和諧。 第三眼脈輪:有助於冥想,有助於釋放焦慮。 喉輪:克服對表達的恐懼,抗痙攣和鎮靜。 心輪:舒緩和溫和鎮靜,有助於鎮靜、治癒和保護。 太陽神經叢脈輪:有助於調動個人能量、補充和鼓勵。 臍脈輪:清爽、平靜、振奮,愛護身體。 底脈輪:一種身體和情緒的鎮靜劑,具有溫暖、放鬆和保護作用。. CROWN CHAKRA: For listening to the harmony of the spheres. THIRD EYE CHAKRA: An aid to meditation helps in releasing anxiety. THROAT CHAKRA: Moving through fear of expression, anti-spasmodic and calming. HEART CHAKRA: For soothing and gently sedating, helps calm, heal and protect. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Aids in mobilizing personal energy, tonifying and encouraging. SACRAL CHAKRA: Refreshing, calming and uplifting, for loving one's body. ROOT CHAKRA: A physical & emotional sedative that is warming, relaxing and protective.
