購物滿 HKD 880.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

露娜玫瑰水晶香皂 Luna Rose Crystal Infused Bar Soap


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這款舒緩的寶石鑲嵌著粉紅博茨瓦納瑪瑙,可幫助您以積極和優雅的方式輕鬆度過任何過渡期。 它的頻率比其他寶石慢,其帶狀花邊帶來舒適與平靜的波浪,並將您的心與生命之門連接起來。 這塊石頭與心輪相連,支持、穩定和清除一種負面情緒,使人能夠以一種以心為中心的愛的意識來看待生活。 散發出最神奇的混合香氣。 產品詳情 注入粉紅博茨瓦納瑪瑙 具有薰衣草、佛手柑、八角茴香、茉莉、紫羅蘭、依蘭、天芥菜、檀香、橡苔、麝香、琥珀和香草的香氣。 5盎司 Embedded with Pink Botswana Agate this soothing stone helps you ease through any transitions with positivity and grace. It has a slower frequency than other stones and its banded lace brings waves of comfort and peace and connects your heart to the portal of life. This stone connects to the heart chakra, supporting, stabilizing, and clearing one of the negative emotions so that one is able to view life with a heart-centered loving awareness. Scented in the most magical blend. Product Details Infused with Pink Botswana Agate Scented in lavender, bergamot, star anise, jasmine, violet, ylang-ylang, heliotrope, sandalwood, oakmoss, musk, amber,

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