頂脈輪草藥小蠟燭 CROWN CHAKRA Herbal votive




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非常適合用於冥想、脈輪重新平衡、放鬆音樂或坐在您的神聖空間中。 精油香精混合物: 乳香為乳香增強深度冥想狀態。 每個還願燃燒大約 12 - 15 小時。 頂脈輪 - 第七脈輪 這個脈輪位於頭頂,將個人和普遍聯繫起來。 頂輪與松果體、大腦和中樞神經系統有關。 頂輪是身體的主要協調中心。 它確保了與通用能源和整個世界的聯繫。 平衡的頂輪可以在情感層面上擴大意識。 頂輪表示照明。 Ideal for use in meditation, Chakra rebalancing, relaxing to music, or sitting in your sacred space. Essential Oil Fragrance Blend: Frankincense for Olibanum to enhance deep meditative states. Each votive burns for approximately 12 - 15 hours. CROWN CHAKRA - SEVENTH CHAKRA Located above the head, this chakra links individual and universal. The Crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, brain and central nervous system. The crown chakra is the body's primary co-ordination center. It ensures a connection to universal sources of energy and with the world as a whole. A balanced crown chakra allows for expanded awareness on an emotional level. The crown chakra signifies illumination.
