馬桶魔法蠟燭 Toilet magic candle


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把不快和困擾排走, 像馬桶一樣一口氣把它們沖走羅 用法:預先預備一個耐熱的碟,用黑筆在白紙上寫下你的名字和煩惱,之點上蠟燭,在蠟燭快燒完時,用蠟燭的火燒掉紙張,待蠟燭自然熄滅後,把灰倒回到馬桶蠟燭內,再用腸袋好丟掉 Usage: Prepare a heat-resistant plate in advance, write your name and troubles on white paper with a black pen, then light the candle, and when the candle is about to burn out, use the candle's fire to burn the paper, and after the candle goes out naturally, put the ashes are poured back into the toilet candle and then disposed of in a gut bag
