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魔法師攻擊防護噴霧 Magickal Attack Protection Spray


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儀式上用 Astaroth 神聖化魔法保護噴霧,以防止魔法攻擊。 噴灑在您的空間周圍或在保護罐中使用,以驅散和保護免受魔法攻擊、巫術、詛咒和其他有害魔法產生的負面能量。 材料:蒸餾水、金縷梅、牛膝草、芸香、桑托棒、西洋蓍草、龍血精油、桑托精油、龍血樹脂、黑曜石、鼠尾草 我們的創作過程 顛茄的植物儀式噴霧、水和醋可供任何人使用,無論技術水平或傳統如何。 因此,我們不包括特定的咒語或儀式,因為每個人的做法都不同。 每件產品均採用蒸餾水或泉水與金縷梅和/或水晶精華浸泡植物、草藥、精油、香料和其他材料手工製作而成,並充滿神奇能量。 珍妮佛是一位靈氣大師和高級水晶治療師,在魔法和世俗的各個領域擁有多項認證和課程 如何使用儀式噴霧劑和水 我們的大多數儀式噴霧劑和水都用於保護和淨化目的 - 可以用於身體和個人空間的能量清潔、精神沐浴、防止負能量和精神、吸引和諧和良好的精神、用於穿著和淨化儀式蠟燭、鐘擺、水晶和工具,為占卜、占卜、夢工作和繁榮咒語提供能量,並可用於祖先祭品。 產品規格 請注意,我們的大多數噴霧劑和水均採用 4 盎司 PET 噴霧瓶 產品安全警告: 如果懷孕或哺乳,請小心,遠離兒童和寵物,不要攝入或應用於敏感皮膚區域或內部使用。 Ritually consecrated magickal protection spray with Astaroth to protect from magickal attacks. Spray around your spaces or use in protection jars to dispel and protect from negative energies stemming from magickal attacks, hexes, curses, and other baneful magick. Materials: distilled water,witch hazel,Hyssop,Rue,Palo Santo Stick,Yarrow,Nagarmotha Essential Oil,Palo Santo Essential Oil,Dragons Blood Resin,Black obsidian,garden sage Our Creation Process Belladonna’s Botanicals Ritual Sprays, Waters, and Vinegars are created to be used by anyone regardless of skill level or tradition. For that reason, we do not include specific spells or rituals because everyone's practices are different. Each product is handcrafted either using an infusion botanicals, herbs, essential oils, fragrances, and other materials in distilled or spring water with witch hazel, and/or crystal essences and imbued with magical energy. Jennifer is a Reiki Master and Advanced Crystal Healer with multiple certifications and coursework in a variety of fields both magical and mundane How to Use Ritual Sprays and Waters Most of our ritual sprays and waters are used for protection and purification purposes - and can be used for the energetic cleansing of the body and personal spaces, spiritual baths, protects from negative energy and spirits, attracts harmony and good spirits, used to dress and cleanse ritual candles, pendulums, crystals and tools, energizes divination, scrying, dream work, and prosperity spells, and can be used for ancestral offerings.​ Product Specifications Please note that most of our sprays and waters come in 4 oz PET spray bottles Product Safety Warning: Use caution if pregnant or nursing, keep away from children and pets, do not ingest or apply to sensitive skin areas or use internally.

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