魔法每月神秘茶 Monthly Mysteries tea (5+ cups)


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沖泡一壺每月神秘茶,以減輕PMS和更年期的痛苦和困難。 這種清新,恢復性的滋補品是為女性特別配製的,使用了女士披風,益母草,茉莉,牛膝草,山金車,紅樹莓等草藥。 它很鬆散,無法與茶包或過濾器配合使用,該茶袋或過濾器在一個包裝中裝有足夠的茶量,可以製成五個或更多杯子。 雖然不能用作醫生護理的替代品,但是您會驚訝於一杯單茶可以幫助您適應身體不斷變化的自然狀況。 美國製造。 Brew up a pot of Monthly Mysteries tea to help relieve the pain and difficulties of PMS and menopause. This refreshing, restorative tonic is specially formulated for women, using such herbs as Lady's mantle, motherwort, jasmine, hyssop, arnica, red raspberry. It comes loose for use with a tea bag or strainer with enough tea in one package to make five or more cups. While not to be used as a substitute for a doctor's care, you'll be surprised how much a single cup of this tea can help you adjust to your body's changing nature. Made in USA.
