黑石頭占卜預視碗6“ Black Stone Scrying Bowl 6"


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在這個手工製作的黑色石材篩碗中裝滿淺水,然後凝視其中以獲取洞察力。 用與古希臘人和諾查丹瑪斯相同的尖叫方法來打開您的視野。 6英寸,深度為1 1/4英寸,總高度為1 1/2英寸。尺寸可能略有不同。食品不安全。 Fill this hand made black stone scrying bowl with a shallow pool of water and gaze within to gain insight. Open your perception with the same scrying methods used by Ancient Greeks and Nostradamus. 6" and a depth of 1 1/4" and a total height of 1 1/2". Sizes may vary slightly. Not food safe.
